Tuesday, March 13, 2007

AJAX Answers March Madness

March Madness is a great time. If you have an office pool, you can take your bosses money right out of his hands when it's all said and done. Watching the clock wind down as the last buzzer beater launches from the opponent's hands makes for a great game that can make you fall to your knees as your entire bracket crumbles.

According to Computerworld's Heather Havenstein, PicksPal.com built its site using Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (or AJAX) to add Web 2.0 functionality for picking your brackets. Instead of printing out the PDF and handing in your sheets, you can move around your picks all you want before you click submit without the need for white out or the eraser after calling your brother, cousin and NCAA die hard to help you with your predictions.

Good luck if you are playing!

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